
"And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer,
let it be. "
-The Beatles

"Music is the Only thing that makes sense anymore...play it loud enough and it keeps the demons at bay."
-Across the Universe

I won't call you wierdo
I think FRIEND's a better name!
-Junior asparagus

Favorite Movies

  • Juno
  • Ps. I love you
  • Sweeny Todd
  • August Rush
  • Across the Universe
  • Harold and Maude
  • Big Fish
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • My Girl
  • Best in Show

Things I think are fantastic

  • Chunky Babies
  • Boys with Glasses
  • Asian Culture
  • Berries
  • Curly red hair
  • Depends
  • Coloring Books
  • Documentaries
  • Dresses
  • Freckles
  • Head-gear
  • Hippis
  • Mocumentaries
  • Obese animals
  • Ron Weasley
  • Spandex

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tea Party...

So, tonight, me and a couple of my friends decided to dress up and have a tea party. There was tea, egg salad sandwiches, cheese and crackers, cucumbers and muffins...basically every food ever made. We also watched Where the Heart is. It was quite delightful.

This is Caroline trying to look serious
Our Cheesy Pose
Don't we look so sophisticated? hahaha

Caroline looks emo

Kerri does not look emo

Me...in my farmer's hat

Drinking tea

So ya, tea parties are fun!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What prayer can do...

Just a little video I made for Audrey. I hope you like it!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What I do when I'm bored during class:

Bilal Kamal...the president of classroom B111

Some old guy from the text book
And last, but certainly not least....Dr. Larson, the teacher

Friday, September 21, 2007

I had a GOOOOD day!

So, today after school I was standing with my friends in the hallway as usual when suddenly I heard someone singing. At first glance I didn't see anybody, but then I noticed a fuzzy head of hair bouncing up and down, just barely visible over my friend AJ's back-pack. This guy who was probably only about 4'10 or 4'11 was skipping down the hall singing "macho macho man" in the most painfully high voice I think I've ever heard. It didn't even phase my friends at all. As a matter of fact, AJ was the only one who even saw it. He just looked at me and smiled. I however, nearly fell to the ground laughing. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard at school. It totally made my day
So, the moral of the story is:
don't be afraid to make a fool out of yourself...it provides entertainment for other people.

Friday, September 14, 2007

"All you need is love"

Sometimes I just have these moments where my head is so full of thoughts that I can hardley put them to words, and when I do finally get them written down they don't even make sense because they are so jumbled together. I'm having one of those moments right now. I've written the first sentence to my blog at least 10 ten times. Earlier today I wrote down a portion of what i wanted to say and when I finally stopped to take an overall look at it I realized it was long enough to be an entire novel. I guess you just have to understand that I have a constant flow of thoughts and ideas running through my head all day; most of which are forgotten because i don't get the opportunity to record them. So, though I have much more I'd like to say, I'm going to try and focus on one thing...Harold and Maude.

Tonight I watched Harold and Maude for the first time with my friends Kerri and Caroline who have both seen it before. I still remember the first time Kerri tried to explain the plot of this 1970's film to me. The idea of a 20 year old man and an 80 year old woman falling in love just didn't click for me. I just couldn't understand what would posses someone to watch a movie like that; but the minute it began playing tonight, i gained a sudden understanding.

At first glance the relationship between Harold and Maude is kind of disturbing, but as you get deeper into the movie, a whole new meaning begins to surface. For those who haven't seen the movie, you may be curious as to what I'm talking about. In this movie, Harold is a young man who spends the majority of his time attending funerals and faking his own suicide when suddenly he meets Maude, a slightly crazy old woman who, essentially, teaches him how to live.

After watching this movie I've gained a whole new perspective on life. Maude could find beauty and adventure in what seemed like the most insignificant things, like doing summer-saults in a field, or running through the grass. Though she's a little unconventional, she is full of wisdom that Harold has never seen. Maude owns a universal key that can start just about any car, and everyday she steals someone else's vehicle. When Harold questions her about this, she simply responds by telling him that people are too attatched to their possesions (such as cars) and it's good for them to realize that these things aren't permanent. In another scene, Maude notices a dying baby tree in front of a public building, so she takes it and puts it in the first car she sees and drives off to plant it in forest.

Although Maude may not be the best person to model your life after, she does teach a very important lesson. Almost everything can be turned into something good if you look at it long enough. Flowers in a field may seem identical at first glance, but when you take a closer look, it's apparent that each one is very different.

Now that I've seen this movie I just feel like going outside and soaking everything in, finding beauty in everything I see. I want to run through a field a flowers, have a picnic at a construction site, or visit a greenhouse. God has given us so many blessings, yet we choose live each day the same way, forgetting all the amazing things he's given us. Why should we stick to the same daily routine when there is so much life to live. Our time on earth is limited, so why not make the most out of it. Take a risk, forget what people are thinking about you. Live life for the small things most people take for granted. Don't be afraid to be a little different...this is my challenge.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My mamma always said life is like a box of chocolates...

Well, I've actually had this blog for several days now, but have not posted yet due to a severe lack of inspiration. I guess it's just a little difficult for me to conjur up any creativity when the majority of my life is lived in a 3 story cement prison under the alias of Southwest High School. The adults at this facility have tried their absolute hardest to convince us that we should take pride in our "school" because it is a wonderful learning institution that by nature is better than all the others in Lincoln. As the sensable person i am, I have refused to buy into any of what they're saying. I'm just thankful there's only 2 years left on my sentence. Perhaps my theory seems a little far-fetched, but today, as I was walking to class with my friend Kara we noticed that the roof of the school was lined with barbed wire...Still unconvinced? That's what I thought!

I could ramble on about about my present state of punishment for the remainder of this blog, but the more i think about it, the more i realize that no one in their right mind would want to live through that, and the majority of you reading this right now(which may in fact be nobody since I have yet to get the word out about my blog) would most likely click the back button on your internet menu and return to whatever it was you were doing before you began reading this.

So, with that said, I think it would be beneficial to lighten the mood a bit and turn our focus to the future...a glorious place outside the confines of Southwest Highschool, and perhaps even Lincoln Nebraska; a place where the possibilities are limitless. In contemplating my options for the future once I've escaped, I created a list of all the things I would like to do in my lifetime. As i'm sure you can imagine, this list only covers but a mere sliver of what I would like to accomplish before I leave this earth, but to record everything; every thought and idea, would be a waste of the precious time i could have otherwise used to check a few things off my list.
Anways, enough of this useless babble...here's the list

-Paint a mural on the side of a building
-Make a documentary
-Make a career out of my music
-Share my testimony in front of a crowd of people
-Visit Prince Edward Island and sleep in a Cherry tree
-Run a marathon and eventually qualify for the boston
-Watch all the Dax Flame Videos
-Become an accomplished classical guitarist and Pianist
-Bring aid to a war-torn country
-Spend a year in Africa and keep a journal of all my drawings and sketches while i'm there
-Write a Biography
-Change someone's life in a profound way
-Publish a book
-Focus on what God wants me to be, not want other people want me to be
-Drink tea in a castle
-Become friends with everyone i meet
-Live each and every moment of my life to God's glory and never hold back!